Preparations for purchase of 80 new electric buses from China, also for long-distance operation.

Preparations for purchase of 80 new electric buses from China, also for long-distance operation.

Desk By Karuna

For the second phase, Sajha Transport has started making plans to buy 80 electric buses.

Sajha began selling buses in the Kathmandu Valley in the first phase, and in the second phase, it will purchase them for both short- and long-distance travel. Sajha, which bought 40 buses in the first phase, has asked the manufacturing company for specific information regarding the second phase. Three of the 40 vehicles bought in the first phase have already begun operating in Kathmandu, while the remaining 37 are now being constructed in China.
On July 16, 2019, the Nepali government funded 3 billion in Sajha Transport Cooperative
Society Limited to support electric vehicle adoption.

This indicates that 40 buses of 8.5 meters in length were purchased in the initial phase. Sajha Transport plans to bring out electric vehicles in three phases because battery-powered bus technology is still a relatively new concept. The manufacturing of the CHTC corporation, situated in Nanjing, China, has been presented in the initial stage. Sajha has apparently asked for specifications for the purchase of electric buses with lengths of 10.5 meters and 12 meters, according to Nepal Khabar Online.

For the purchase of 80 buses, Common Transport has requested a set of standards. For 10.5-meter and 12-meter city and long-distance coach buses, respectively, Sajha has requested specifications. The requirement is that the coach bus should be able to travel between cities.

Source: CRI Nepali


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