The Students’ Union ANNISU (Revolutionary) split an affiliated with the CPN (Maoist Center)

The Students’ Union ANNISU (Revolutionary) split an affiliated with the CPN (Maoist Center)

Desk by Muna

The student union ANNISU (Revolutionary) affiliated with the CPN (Maoist Center) is divided. The Pawan Karki group of the union has announced to hold a national gathering in September. The group has also announced a 199-member central committee under Karki’s convening.

Speaking at a press conference in Kathmandu on Monday, it was informed that a national gathering will be held in Kathmandu on September 15 and 16.

Coordinator Pawan Karki said that a national gathering was being organized to make ANNISU(R) a revolutionary organization, to make the student movement more active, and to establish the rights of students. He accused the Pancha Singh leadership of failing to form a committee as per the legislative.

Karki has alleged that Chairman Singh made the working committee public through Facebook without any discussion and consultation in the organization. He also said that when they raised the issue of law and legislative at the national conference, they were attacked.

The declaration meeting held in Kathmandu on July 2 has passed a political, organizational, and current resolution. It has been stated that the declaration assembly has committed to abide by the legislation and report passed by the 22nd National Conference and has also committed to forming a legislative committee by dismissing all the illegal committees.

Source: Himalayan Tele-Voice




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