<strong>Malicious US attempts to build power against China</strong>

Malicious US attempts to build power against China

# Prem Sagar Poudel

In such a scenario, the wolf’s goal, which the United States has pursued through the Quad, does not seem to be successful. The quad is actually a new form of NATO that encircles the China. US policy to stop China will soon fail. And, the real face of America will be revealed to the world.

Arzu Deuba, who had married with the then Home Minister Sher Bahadur with the help of Chinese origin American Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, is now openly working for the United States. As the wife of the Prime Minister, Arzu Rana seems to have started using PM’s official residence Baluwatar as an American center.

During her visit to Nepal, Uzra Zeya, the US Under Secretary of State of Indian descent, had a separate meeting with the Prime Minister’s wife, Arzu Deuba which clear how deep the relation is with American. On 8th Jeshth, the US Under Secretary of State Uzra Zeya had a special meeting with Deuba. Immediately after meeting Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, the US Under Secretary of State Zeya met his wife Arzu alone.

“Women’s empowerment, human rights, climate change, food security and other issues have been discussed,” she said on her Facebook page. Under Secretary of State Zeya said that she was honored to meet a prominent Nepali activist who has been an ardent advocate for gender equity & equality in Nepal at the forefront of advancing the rights of women & girls. “Women’s empowerment is a key element of economic security and a successful democracy,” she tweeted.

Arzu had been close to the Americans before the then Ambassador Julia Chang’s proposal to tie the knot with Deuba. Julia Chang, who came to Nepal in the last years of the Panchayat period, persuaded Arzu to manage Deuba’s unmarried and chaotic life. According to some, Julia Chang had already made Arzu an American citizen before she contacted Arzu with Sher Bahadur Deuba. Since then, although not in direct contact with the Americans, Arzu has long been in a supportive role for the Americans. Under Secretary of State Zeya has returned to the United States, explaining how important Arzu is to the United States.

Arzu-US relations:

Arzu, the granddaughter of Juddha Shamsher, who left the title of Shri 3 Maharaj and reached Palpa from Kathmandu, has done her PhD in Psychology from Punjab University of India. After completing her studies in India, she was involved in setting up a Saathi Organization to raise voice on violence against women. Arzu is one of the eight founders of Saathi, which was established in 1992. It was founded by women of educated and aristocratic background at that time.

Americans were among those who helped the Saathi Organization financially. According to sources, Arzu met Ambassador Julia Chang through the same American donors. The marriage was arranged by Julia Chang to manage Deuba’s hectic life. Deuba became prime minister for the first time after his marriage in 1995. In the same year, Arzu established the Rural Women’s Development and Unity Center. Rana is still a Board Member of the center, which was set up with the slogan of establishing a just society.

The following year, in 1996, the Federation of Safe Maternity Networks was established under the auspices of Arzu. Now, the current president of the federation is Arzu. She has been involved in UN agencies such as IUCN, UNESCO and IPAS and international NGOs. With Deuba becoming prime minister in 1995, Arzu’s time for social organizations has shifted to the prime minister’s office. At the same time, she started earning money. As a result, her activism became more in the political sphere than in the social sphere.

She has also been accused of being close to independent Tibetans in Nepal because of her proximity to the United States. The allegation was further confirms by the attendance of the Deuba at the inaugural function of a conference on ‘India at Seventy: Democracy, Development and Dissent’ under the ‘India Ideas Conclave’ organized by the ‘Thinktank’ India Foundation, an RSS-backed think tank affiliated to the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party of India. At the event, which was held in Goa, India, Deuba shared the stage with Lobsang Sange, an exiled Tibetan government official.

Dalai Lama MPs, TYC officials and the Dalai Lama’s ambassador to Nepal were also invited to the event hosted by Uzra Zeya. Under Secretary of State Zeya was accompanied by USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator Anjali Kaur, Information and Communication Minister Gyanendra Bahadur Karki, former Speaker Onsari Gharti, Prime Minister’s wife Dr. Arzu Rana, exiled Tibetan MP and leaders Ratsa Sonam Norbu and Serta Tasi Dhondup were present on the occasion. While Under Secretary of State Zeya’s visit to Nepal, Arzu arranged the meeting with independent Tibetans in Nepal. She was accompanied by Maoist leader and former speaker Onsari Gharti Magar. The program of the Tibetan refugee camp at Jawalakhel in Lalitpur was organized on the special initiative of Gharti, the wife of Maoist leader Barshaman Pun, who had recently undergone treatment in China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal claimed that it has no information about the program. Danfetv.com has immediately published news in this regard.

Zeya is also the US government’s special coordinator for Tibetan issues. She has also been tasked with encouraging dialogue between China and the Dalai Lama or his representatives for talks on Tibet. Speaking about her appointment, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “I have appointed Uzra Zeya as the UN special coordinator for Tibet issues. She will also continue to work as Secretary for Civil Security, Democracy and Human Rights’.

Zeya is also responsible for implementing the ‘Tibet Policy and Support Act’, passed by the US Congress in 2020. For that, the United States seems to have felt the need for a new player in Nepal. Arzu also participated in the talks held by Prime Minister Deuba with UML Chairman KP Oli during the MCC pass. During the talks between Oli and Deuba, Arzu tried to persuade Oli in favor of MCC. Moving ahead of Prime Minister Deuba, she even pressured Oli to pass the MCC.

US Ambassador Randy Berry had advised Arzu to attend the meeting, citing Deuba’s inability to persuade Oli to join the MCC. Arzu, who reached Oli’s residence with Deuba on Beri’s advice, concluded that the using the UML card had prepared a strategy to dissolve the Maoists. Ultimately, this strategy worked decisively. CPN (MC) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal agreed to vote for MCC to stop UML. Therefore, Dahal argues that MCC was passed because of Oli. The role Arzu played in passing the MCC also seems to have led Americans to trust her more recently.

Ambassadors from Switzerland, Britain, France, Australia and other countries were present to welcome Zeya to the Tibetan refugee camp. Zeya met them together in front of the refugee camp. This was another success of Arzu in terms of program coordination. Welcoming even the ambassadors of other countries during the US Under Secretary of State’s visit to Nepal seems to be an act against diplomatic dignity in itself. On the other hand, while Nepal is in favor of the one-China policy, lining up in Tibetan refugee camps is illegal in itself. However, the Government of Nepal has been legalizing such acts by foreign ambassadors to Nepal.

Deuba- Arzu:

Arzu Rana is more active in Nepal than Prime Minister Deuba. Over all, she controls Deuba. That is why; the Americans have started working in the belief of Arzu more than Deuba. In other words, they seem to have more faith in Arzu’s word than Deuba. Not only the role played by Arzu in passing the MCC, but also Arzu seems to be behind the negligence shown by the government during the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Wang Yi to Nepal.

The last time, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Kathmandu; the US Ambassador Berry was in Baluwatar. Prime Minister Deuba’s scheduled visit to a program organized by the Nepal Army in Shivpuri was postponed due to Berry. Although there was no plan to meet Berry, Prime Minister Deuba’s program was affected by his sudden entry into the Baluwatar. Due to Berry, the government did not even welcome well to Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang.

Earlier, when Wang arrived in Nepal, the then Home Minister Ram Bahadur Thapa welcomed at the Tribhuvan International Airport. Due to Covid, without shaking hands, the two exchanged intimacy touching their elbow. Wang, who landed in Kathmandu on 11th Chaitra 2078, was welcomed by foreign affairs staffs. This time, Wang’s visit was like a visit by an ordinary Chinese leader. Ambassador Berry had consulted with Arzu in Baluwatar regarding the visit. Deuba did not want to give importance to Wang as Arzu’s advice.

Arzu, who has made a position to intervene Deuba in every matter, has also been doing the work of financial collection. Arzu’s decision is also important in terms of who will get tickets in the election from the transfer of staffs. Therefore, it seems that many people think that it would be better to persuade Arzu than Deuba about every appointment made by the government. Even the activists who are trying to take advantage have been taking advantage by persuading Deuba through Arzu. Lately, even American and Indian diplomats seem to be relying on Arzu more than Deuba.

Promise to Zeya:

During her visit to Nepal, the US Under Secretary of State Zeya’s interest was focused on the free arrival of Tibetan refugees. Zeya had proposed to the Prime Minister that Tibetans who want to visit to Dalai Lama in India from China via Nepal should be allowed to move in Nepal freely. It is said that Prime Minister Deuba has been positive on Zeya’s proposal. For this, Nepal will not make any visible announcement. However, the Home Ministry will instruct the police to facilitate the travel of Tibetans. From now on, independent activities will be easier than in the past.

Another proposal put forward by Zeya is to provide identity cards to Tibetans. Nepal has stopped issuing identity cards to Tibetans since 1990. Due to the lack of identity cards, the number of Tibetan refugees in Nepal is unclear. As a result, even the Americans have not been able to create a program focusing on Tibetans. During the meeting, Zeya urged Prime Minister Deuba to provide identity cards to Tibetans.

A day before her arrival in Nepal, US President Joe Biden’s special coordinator for Tibet, Zeya, met with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama. According to Indian media reports, Zeya delivered a message of the American people and President Biden at the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India. News, photos and video clips have also been made public. At the moment, Zeya wished for the good health to Dalai Lama. The US Under Secretary of State Zeya has a responsibility to promote unconditional dialogue between China and the Dalai Lama or his envoys. This is the first direct meeting between the Dalai Lama and a senior US official overseeing Tibet since Biden was appointed president.

She also has a responsibility to fight for the human rights of Tibetans, as well as their religious, linguistic and cultural identities on the behalf of the United States. She is also responsible for the humanitarian needs of all Tibetans, including those in exile, and for increasing access to Tibet, as well as studying the environmental and water security challenges in the Tibetan Plateau. This was her first visit to Nepal and India after getting the responsibility.

It is understood that Zeya also informed Prime Minister Deuba about the Dalai Lama’s complaint about the plight of Tibetans in Nepal during his visit to India. She went to Dharamsala thinking that the problem could not be solved by visiting Nepal only without understanding the matter directly through Dalai Lama. Zeya, who flew to Nepal holding the hand of the Dalai Lama and promising to advocate on Tibetan issues, is said to have held more informal talks in Nepal than formal ones. All the talks focused on Tibetan issues. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she was scheduled to hold separate meetings with Prime Minister Deuba, Foreign Minister Narayan Khadka, Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand and Chief Secretary Shankar Bairagi.

Zeya’s meeting with Arzu, who is not even on the pre-determined list, is now viewed with suspicion. However, this meeting seems to be an attempt to put Arzu at the center of Tibetan activities in Nepal. During the forthcoming visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Nepal, Zeya seems to have sought to establish understanding with Nepal on the issue of Tibetans. The United States wants the Nepalese government to continue to support Tibetan issues, as it did before 2008, with the help of Arzu.

In Nepal, the US was looking for an established person to use the Tibetans against China. It seems that the possibility of choosing Arzu as the same person is high. The issue of Tibetans will be institutionalized through an NGO run by Arzu. In the first phase, Nepal will provide identity cards to Tibetans in Nepal, citing security reasons. Only then Americans will decide how to proceed. To manage this, Arzu will meet with Dalai Lama or the Dalai Lama’s representative will work closely with Arzu in Nepal.

Indian stake in US activism:

India, which has been very weak in Nepal for the past few years, is trying hard to reactivate itself. India, which has become active in Nepal cowardly, can also be an obstacle to regional stability, peace and development. On the one hand, India has divided the 3488-kilometer area bordering China into three parts after a dispute with China over the Doklam issue. First, Western Center: Jammu and Kashmir. Second, Central Center: Himanchal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Third, Eastern Center: Sikkim and Arunanchal Pradesh. Two hundred and twenty five thousand Indian troops have been deployed in Jammu and Kashmir, Himanchal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunanchal Pradesh. And more than 60,000 troops have been deployed in eastern Ladakh alone. In addition, it was decided to start 32 major road projects, construction of eight roads capable of transporting military weapons and missiles is nearing completion.

On the other hand, India seems to believe that the US is happy to present itself as the most anti-China among the members of QUAD. QUAD has set up a $ 50 billion fund. It is said that this amount has been allocated for infrastructure. The United States will provide $ 4 billion in aid to India. US linked the grant to the Indo-Pacific strategy, which he described as “military assistance”. It is clear that the US is trying to use India to destabilize Asia. The United States needs India’s support to make Nepal a base against China. India wants to increase its bargaining power with China by showing US support. The US and India are using Quad and other alliances as a means to hide their weaknesses. It is also a malicious attempt by the US to build power against China.

The United States has announced a $ 4 billion grant, while India has already paid Russia $ 12 billion in advance to buy weapons. Apart from this, billions of dollars worth of rifles bought by India from the United States has many weaknesses due to which India will purchase from Russia. Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Western nations, including the United States, have imposed various sanctions on Russia. This includes arms and spare parts imported by India from Russia. Because of this, India has to show the United States as its only major ally. The United States is seeking Indian support to weaken Russia, save Zelenskyy, and facilitate anti-China activities on Nepalese land. The US’s rapprochement with India is only to weaken Russia and China.

The United States is well aware that as India’s relations with China improve, it will not be in a position to surrender to the United States. China is India’s largest trading partner. Friendly policy with China could attract a lot of Chinese investment in India. If China-India’s relation becomes good, then it will be good not only to India but also to the South Asia. The biggest success for the US will be to keep India separate from Russia and China. The importance given to India by the US is only for this.

The United States is currently experiencing a recession and the biggest inflation in 40 years. Amid the ongoing Sino-US conflict, US investment in China continues to grow. Both countries seem to be trying to reach an agreement on the economic side. China has repeatedly said that it does not consider itself a rival to the United States and has no aspirations to become a superpower, even though the areas of rivalry remain the same. In such a scenario, the wolf’s goal, which the United States has pursued through the Quad, does not seem to be successful. The quad is actually a new form of NATO that encircles the China. US policy to stop China will soon fail. And, the real face of America will be revealed to the world.


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