In Bhim Rawal’s home district, Bohra of Oli faction became the chairman

In Bhim Rawal’s home district, Bohra of Oli faction became the chairman

Chandra Bahadur Bohara has been elected as the chairman of CPN (UML) Achham. Chairman KP Sharma Oli’s candidate Bohora defeated Bhim Rawal’s party candidate Prakash Bahadur Shah.

Out of the 750 votes cast, Bohara won with 431 votes while Shah got only 307 votes. Bohara Shah had formed a panel and participated in the election process. Vice President of the Shah Panel Bal Bahadur Kunwar has been elected as the Vice President. Bhim Bahadur Rawal (Kalotopi) of the Shah faction has also won the post of secretary.

Among the seven candidates for the post of two deputy secretaries, Dambar VC of Bohara
faction and Prem Mahar of Shah faction have won. Among the office bearers who will win the election are all from Constituency No. 2 except one Deputy Secretary in Federal Constituency 1. Only one office bearer has been elected from Rawal’s constituency 1.

The Election Committee has informed that the counting of votes for geography (local level),
women, dalits, minorities, janajatis and the disabled is underway. One hundred and five people including five office bearers will be elected as chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and deputy secretary in UML Achham.


By Muna Chand


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