US bans goods produced in China’s Xinjiang province

US bans goods produced in China’s Xinjiang province

Kathmandu, December 24
US President Joe Biden has signed into law a law banning the production of goods in China’s Xinjiang province.

At a time when relations with China are deteriorating, President Joe Biden has signed into law a law banning the production of goods in Xinjiang province, according to international media reports.

A law banning goods in Xinjiang province was unanimously passed by both houses of the US House of Representatives and Senate earlier this month over China’s crackdown on Uighur Muslims.
Is a major supplier of cotton and solar panels in Xinjiang Province. The new law stipulates a ban on the import of almost all materials made in the province. In addition, the supplier has to prove that the imported goods are not made by forced labor.

UN officials have accused Xinjiang of holding more than a million people in labor camps for the first time in years. Many human rights groups, including the United States, have called China’s actions genocide.

But China has denied allegations of repression against the Muslim minority in Xinjiang.

By Karuna Thapa


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