Traffic resumes on Prithvi Highway

Traffic resumes on Prithvi Highway

Kathmandu, June 18 The Prithvi Highway has come into operational. Landslides at Ghopte Bhir and Thadekhola in Chitwan's Ichchakama-4 have kept it shut since the last night. Two-way traffic had…
Youth killed in car accident

Youth killed in car accident

Kathmandu, June 2 An Indian car has knocked down a youth at Khairahani in the eastern Chitwan. The deceased has been identified as Biswas Gurung, 31, a permanent resident of…
Prachanda casts his vote in Chitwan

Prachanda casts his vote in Chitwan

Kathmandu, May 13 Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has cast his vote from Nepal Police School in Bharatpur Metropolitan City-14, Shantipur. His…
Man killed in tiger attack in Chitwan

Man killed in tiger attack in Chitwan

By Muna Chand Kathmandu, May 1 A person was killed in a tiger attack in eastern Chitwan. Narayan Dahal, 65, of Khairahani Municipality-13, is identified as the deceased by the…