<strong>In the upcoming election, the coalition parties will collaborate</strong>

In the upcoming election, the coalition parties will collaborate

Desk By Karuna

Kathmandu, July 10 / Dev Gurung, the leader of the CPN-Maoist Center, has stated that the coalition parties will coordinate during the upcoming election.
Gurung said that there will be coordination between the coalition parties in the upcoming election since there was agreement within the coalition on the topics of democracy and nationality in an interview with Sanwad Dabli on Sunday in Kathmandu. He continued to say that there was no reason for changing the two parties’ election coordination. Gurung said that there could not be a collaboration with the UML because it had not looked back on the fundamental errors the UML had made in the past about matters like national security and democracy. In a different context, he expressed the opinion that additional criticism would not be acceptable because a parliamentary committee had already been established to investigate the situation surrounding the leaving Finance Minister Janardhan Sharma.
According to Leader Gurung, the new citizenship law would be registered in the house with everyone’s approval.



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