Video talks between China and US resume

Video talks between China and US resume

Kathmandu, July 6

On the morning of July 5, China published a 209-word letter notice headlined “Video Talks Between Liu Ha and US Treasury Secretary L. Yellen.” That information suggests that China has a strong and certain position. Today the United States and the rest of the world need certainty.

On the morning of July 5, US Treasury Secretary L. Yellen and Liu Ha, Deputy Prime Minister of China and chairman of the country’s side of the Sino-US Economic Dialogue, conducted a video conference. Liu Hale is a member of the CPC Central Committee’s Political Bureau. The goal of this video conference is to put the spirit of the leaders of the two nations’ phone conversations into practice.

The two parties discussed topics including the macroeconomic environment, the global
business landscape, and the supply chain in the video conversations.



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