Pay attention to the acute shortage of fertilizers.

Pay attention to the acute shortage of fertilizers.

Desk by Karuna

The lawmakers objected that the government could not pay attention to the acute shortage of chemical fertilizers.

In a National Assembly meeting on Monday, he called on the government to address the manure issue that farmers are now facing. Anita Devkota, a member of parliament, stated that there was a lack of manure for the farmers during the special session of the meeting. She claimed that since farmers were concerned about not receiving fertilizer in a timely manner, the administration kept silent. She continued by saying that the earlier G2G deal with India had not been successful in getting the government to import fertilizer.

Similar to this, MP Bhairav Sundar Shrestha urged the government to begin manure management right away. He said that only chemical fertilizers could enhance Nepal’s agricultural output and demanded that the government provide farmers with enough fertilizer by the next week.

Other politicians raised the damage brought on by the rains and floods throughout the discussion. The Covid-19 Crisis Management Bill, 2078 BS was also unanimously approved to be sent to the Legislative Management Committee for clause-by-clause consideration. The National Assembly will gather once more on Thursday, July 7 at 11 a.m.

source: Himalaya Tele Voice


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