Marsyangdi’s electricity generation has increased

Marsyangdi’s electricity generation has increased

Kathmandu, June 17

After continuous rains, electricity output at Marsyangdi Hydropower Station in Tanahu’s Aanbukhaireni Gaonpalika-4 has increased.

69 MW of energy has been generated from the center as the river’s water flow has increased.

During the dry season, electricity output was limited to an average of 40 MW due to a lack of water. According to Badri Phunyal, the center’s director, power is currently being generated at full capacity.

Three units of the facility generate electricity at a rate of 23-23 MW each. The snow melts
quickly as the temperature rises, and when there is a lot of rain, the flow of water in the river’s tributaries and streams increases, increasing electricity output.

The center’s electricity is supplied to the national transmission line that runs from Bharatpur in Chitwan to Kathmandu.


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