President’s message on World Environment Day

President’s message on World Environment Day

Kathmandu, June 5


President Bidya Devi Bhandari has offered her greetings to all Nepali people at home and
abroad on the occasion of World Environment Day.

The world started celebrating this Day 50 years ago on the call of the United Nations. The
relevance of the Day has been increasing every year, according to a message of best wishes issued by the Office of the President.

“In protecting the environment, we have made required laws and built institutional structures after devising various policies, plans, and programs at international, national, and local levels.

We have made various commitments at different times in this regard. Our mountains are
melting and water sources. are drying up. We have become victims of pollution,” reads the

There is a need to effectively launch climate adaptation programs, for the use of cent percent green and clean energy and electric appliances and promoting eco-friendly transportation, said the President.

Thanking the Ministry of Forest and Environment, all ministries involved in infrastructure
development, provincial and local governments, security agencies, local communities,
development partners, and all other authorities involved in conserving the environment, the President urged all to continue the goal of saving Earth.


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