Genuine squatters will get land: Minister Shrestha

Genuine squatters will get land: Minister Shrestha

Kathmandu, June 1

Minister for Land Management, Cooperatives, and Poverty Alleviation Shashi Shrestha has
directed the National Land Commission to work in a result-oriented manner to end the
problems of genuine landless squatters.

In her address to an annual review workshop at the federal and provincial level in Chitwan,
Minister Shrestha said the government is fully committed to executing the constitutionally-
guaranteed fundamental rights of citizens.

The concept of the National Land Commission was put forth to bridge the gap between the rich and poor people on the basis of their possession of the land. She directed the commission to work accordingly.

Minister Shrestha added that the government in its annual policy and program has laid high
emphasis to distribute land to the landless Dalits and squatters within the next two fiscal years.

To this effect, the Land Commission has already started its work in all 77 districts. The
Commission has so far signed a memorandum of understanding with 419 local level units to manage land for landless squatters.


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