General Sharma visiting Lebanon, Syria, and the US

General Sharma visiting Lebanon, Syria, and the US

Kathmandu, May 31

On June 18, Chief of Army Staff Prabhuram Sharma is expected to visit both countries. For a seven-day tour to Lebanon and Syria, he is scheduled. Chief of Army Staff Sharma is on a visit to conflict-affected areas, according to the Directorate of Public Relations and Information, Jangi Adda, with the goal of encouraging troops deployed for peace in the conflict-affected areas and gathering information on various aspects of the UN mission and future plans.

During the visit, which will remain till June 24, the visiting team, which includes Chief of Army Staff Sharma, will meet with high-ranking officials from various countries and peacekeeping missions to learn about the missions’ state, operational operations, and army deployment status, and other issues.

According to the Directorate, the Nepal Army is convinced that such an inspection tour will
raise the morale of troops posted in conflict-affected areas and that interactions with high-
ranking officials will further promote bilateral interests and mutual ties.

Meanwhile, Chief of Army Staff Sharma will go to the United States from June 27 to July 1 after the inspection visit. The visit will take place at the formal invitation of the United States, according to the Directorate.

Such regular visits by high-level military leaders, according to the Directorate, are thought to be important in making the long-standing friendly relations between the two countries, including the long-standing Nepal Army and the US Army, as well as the existing area of bilateral cooperation, more systematic and effective.


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