Illuminations of Kyongru-Dong

Illuminations of Kyongru-Dong

Illuminations of Kyongru-Dong  

The Pothong riverside terraced houses district built in Kyongru-dong in the capital city of Pyongyang unfolded another peculiar scene on the Pothong River.

A New Scene by the Pothong River 

These are houses in the Pothong riverside terraced houses district newly-built on the bank of the Pothong River in Pyongyang. Terraced-, multi- and low-storeyed houses and public welfare facilities are arranged in good harmony. The distinctive houses blend in well with its surrounding environment, thus face-lifting the scenery of the Pothong River.

Owners of Luxury Flats  

The owners of the luxury flats in the Pothong riverside terraced houses district, which have been built distinctively on the bank of the Pothong River in the capital city of Pyongyang of the DPRK, are labour innovators in different sectors, merited persons, scientists, educators, literary men and other ordinary working people, who have worked faithfully for the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state.


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