NC candidate Dangi attacked in Rolpa

NC candidate Dangi attacked in Rolpa

Kathmandu, May 5

Cadres of the CPN (Maoist Center), CPN (Unified Socialist), Nepali Congress, and CPN-UML
clashed at Madi Rural Municipality-3, Talabang in Rolpa last night.

NC candidate for ward-3 chairperson Min Bahadur Dangi was injured in the scuffle that ensued when NC cadres were returning home after attending the electoral assembly at Talabang Bazaar.

Dangi was lethally attacked with iron rod, informed NC Constituency-2 President Gopal Gharti.

Seriously injured Dangi was taken to Dang for further treatment. Gharti accused that a group of people took the vehicle carrying Dangi under control and attacked him with the sharp-edged rod.

Secretary of Maoist Center’s Madi rural municipality Bir Bahadur Gharti said they had retaliated the targeted attack against their cadres. Information Officer at District Police Office, Yaman GC shared that the police reached the site immediately after the incident.

“Situation now is normal,” he added. It may be noted that the Maoist Center and Unified
Socialist are teaming up against NC and UML at Madi rural municipality in the upcoming local elections.


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