Five-party coalition forges electoral alliance in Palpa

Five-party coalition forges electoral alliance in Palpa

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, April 7

Five ruling political parties in Palpa have forged an electoral alliance for the local level poll
scheduled for May 13.

The ruling coalition partners, including Nepali Congress, CPN (Maoist Center), CPN (Unified
Socialist), Rastriya Janamorcha, and Janata Samajwadi Party have come up with electoral
alliances in the local elections.

On Wednesday, a meeting of the ruling coalition parties’ mechanism decided to form an
electoral alliance in all of the district’s local governments.

The district-level mechanism was developed under the leadership of Palpa Congress President Himal Dutta Shrestha for allying with the parties.

The mechanism would consult with the coalition parties and finalize the names of the
candidates at the local level, Shrestha informed.

According to the mechanism sources, a meeting of the task force comprising three
representatives each from coalition parties would finalize the candidates on April 8.


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