Russia is weakening as a result of the war, according to US officials

Russia is weakening as a result of the war, according to US officials

By Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, March 25, 2022

According to a US Defense Department official, Russia will be weakened as a result of the
Ukraine conflict.

US Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl warned reporters on Thursday that Russia will be weakened as a result of the Ukraine conflict. ”I can confidently predict that Russia will be weakened as a result of the Ukraine conflict,” Kahl stated.

”It will weaken and become more isolated militarily, economically, diplomatically, and
geopolitically,” Kahl continued. He also apologized for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. During the month-long conflict, he also claimed that the Russian army ran out of precise missiles.

Kahl also stated that the US considers Russia to be a major danger. He did admit, though, that their numbers were insufficient to beat Russia.


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