Minister Yadav inspects Lamosanghu-Jiri Road section

Minister Yadav inspects Lamosanghu-Jiri Road section

By Muna Chand

Kathmandu, March 7

Renu Kumari Yadav, Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport, inspected the
Lamosanghu-Jiri Road section and the Road Division Office in Charikot on Sunday.
During the inspection, Minister Yadav assessed the quality of the road section and the reforms implemented to improve it.

Minister Yadav warned the construction company that if they did not complete the projects on time, they would be blacklisted.

Secretary at the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Rabindra Nath Shrestha
expressed confidence that the road will play a positive role in bringing tourists and ensuring
good marketing of local productions there, saying that infrastructure development is critical to the nation’s progress and prosperity.

Director General of Department of Roads Shivahari Sapkota, Project Chief Rohit Bisural and
other officials were present during the monitoring.


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