NPI is linked with the Foreign Employment Board

NPI is linked with the Foreign Employment Board

by Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, February 17

The Foreign Employment Board has also joined the Nepal Clearing House’s National Payment Interface (NPI).

The Board has reached an agreement with NCHL to fully automate payment transactions by connecting them with NPIs. Rajan Kumar Shrestha, Executive Director of the Foreign Employment Board, and Nileshman Singh Pradhan, Chief Executive Officer of NCHL, have signed the agreement.

The Foreign Employment Board will be able to integrate its internal payment system with NPI (System under National Payment Switch) and issue payments straight to the beneficiaries bank accounts as soon as the agreement is completed.

This would ensure that all payments to workers with disabilities or death in overseas employment, including vendor payments, are totally automated. All payment transactions were performed by check prior to the agreement. This will considerably improve the board’s service flow, and victims’ families will be able to get money more quickly.

Through Connect IPS, the board has also begun collecting the funds to be placed in the welfare fund by workers moving abroad for work.


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