Decision to import chemical fertilizer from China is pending

Decision to import chemical fertilizer from China is pending

Kathmandu, February 7

According to the agri-products company, the import process of 113,000 metric tonnes of
chemical fertilizers has been blocked due to Chinese obstruction.

The company has stated that it was confused due to China that the contract, which was signed five months ago, should have entered Nepal today and tomorrow.

According to Rajendra Karki, managing director of the company, 50,000 metric tonnes of urea and 63,535 metric tonnes of DAP fertilizer imports have been delayed due to the Chinese policy of stopping manure exports. ”The contractor got the contract to import the manure. The Chinese company decided to give the manure but now they have not given the manure saying it is the government’s policy,” says Karki.

The company has stated that the Chinese manure producer was selling chemical manure in the world market while Nepal was processing the contract but the government refused to supply the manure saying that the government had stopped the export.

Five different contractors had been contracted by the company to bring in 113,535 metric tons of manure.

The company claims that there will be no shortage of manure for wheat and sorghum paddy if the procurement process is not completed.

A company called Base Trading and Zen Trading had won a contract for 25,000-25,000 metric tons of DAP fertilizer to buy fertilizer from a Chinese company.

Similarly, Silk JV had contracted 50,000 metric tonnes of urea, Silk Transport 10,000 metric
tonnes of DAP and a company called Silk Market had won 5,000 metric tonnes of DAP.

Out of the 115,535 metric tonnes of manure imported from China this fiscal year, only 2,000 metric tonnes of manure have been imported, according to the agri-products company.

Karki also said that the Prime Minister’s attention has been drawn to facilitate the import of

The company claims that it has received only 20 metric tons of DAP and 7,000 metric tons of potash fertilizer from different tenders.


By Karuna Thapa


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