Death of a Czech singer who deliberately transmitted the corona virus

Death of a Czech singer who deliberately transmitted the corona virus

A Czech folk singer who deliberately transmitted coronavirus has died. Hana Horka, 57, was not vaccinated against Covid-19. After the test confirmed the infection, she wrote on social media that she was recovering. But she died two days later. Her son, Jan Rek, said he had been infected to get a “recovery pass” for a man who had recently recovered from a concussion.

He said that he and his father had contracted the infection at home but his mother stayed with him without keeping any distance from him. Many Covid infections were confirmed in the Czech Republic on Wednesday.

Although Rake and his father were vaccinated against Covid-19, Hana Horka was not
vaccinated. In order to enter certain places such as cinemas, bars and cafes in the Czech
Republic, you must present a vaccination card or proof of a recent covid infection.

Hana Horka belonged to one of the oldest Assange groups in the Czech Republic. According to her son Rek, Hana Horka wanted to pass the infection on to her to reduce her disability. On Sunday morning, she said that she was getting better and even put on some clothes to go around.

But when she suddenly had a problem with her back, she went to bed. His son said, “It’s all over in 10 minutes. She died of asphyxiation.”

According to Rek, it is not true that his mother was not vaccinated because she believed the rumors about vaccination. When it comes to vaccinations, Rek explains that he can’t talk to his mother because she is a little emotional. He now believes that he can inspire others to get vaccinated by sharing his pain.


By Muna Chand


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