Celebrating Prithvi Jayanti today

Celebrating Prithvi Jayanti today

The birth anniversary of Nation Builder Prithvi Narayan Shah, which is celebrated every year on Paush 27, is being celebrated all over the country by organizing various programs today. Prithvi Narayan’s 300th birth anniversary is being celebrated this year.

Prithvi Narayan Shah was born on 27 Poush 1779 in Gorkha to King Nara Bhupal Shah and
Queen Kaushalyavati Devi. Prithvi Narayan became the king on Chaitra 25, 1799 BS. Before that, Nepal was divided into 52 states.

After Prithvi Narayan became king, he succeeded in extending the border of Nepal from Tista in the east to Chepe river in the west. After the demise of Prithvi Narayan, his successor has a history of extending the state of Nepal to the fort Kangada in the west.

Prithvi Narayan Shah had conquered Nuwakot in 1801 BS. Twenty-five years later, in 1826, he conquered the Kathmandu Valley. After conquering the Nepal Valley, Prithvi Narayan Shah extended the borders of the country by conquering Chaudandi Bijaypur etc. in the east.

In the memory of Prithvi Narayan Shah, who initiated the unification of Nepal with the help of all castes and languages, the 300th birth anniversary is being celebrated with various programs across the country today.

Organized by Nepal Pragya-Pratishthan, Nepal Fine Arts Foundation, Nepal Music and Drama Pragya-Pratishthan and Cultural Institute, from Kamaladi, there is a program to gather at the statue of Prithvi Narayan Shah at the main entrance of Singha Durbar, along with cultural pageant and bazaar.

Similarly, various cultural glimpses of Nepal will be presented at the Jamal-based National Dance Hall at 2.30 pm. Similarly, other organizations are also celebrating Prithvi Jayanti across the country by organizing various programs.


By Muna Chand


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