National Assembly Election: Challenge to UML\

Kathmandu. The main opposition party, the CPN-UML, has been challenged after the five
parties in the ruling coalition merged in the National Assembly election on Magh 12.

Out of the 19 vacancies in the National Assembly from Falgun 20, 8 vacancies are being filled by the UML. Similarly, the terms of four members of the Unified Socialists, four members of the Maoist Center and three members of the Nepali Congress are also coming to an end on the same date. However, the ruling party, which has moved ahead with the alliance, has seen additional gains in the National Assembly elections, adding a challenge to the UML.

The Election Commission (EC) is planning to hold elections for 12 seats on Magh 12 for seven women, three dalits, two persons with disabilities and minorities and seven other different groups. The commission has stated that 43 candidates have been registered in all the states for the same purpose.

Among them, there are 19 candidates from CPN-UML, 6 from Nepali Congress, 5 from CPN
(Maoist Center), 5 from CPN (Unified Socialists), 2 from Janata Samajwadi Party Nepal, 2 from Rastriya Prajatantra Party, 2 from Nepal Mazdoor Kisan Party, one candidate from Loktantrik Samajwadi Party and one from Rastriya Janamorcha.

According to the agreement reached between the parties in the alliance, out of the eight seats won by the UML, the Congress will get three, the Janata Samajwadi Party two, the Maoist Center, the Unified Socialists and the Janamorcha one each. In the distribution of 19 vacancies, the Congress got six seats, the CPN (Maoist Center) and the CPN-Unified Socialist got five seats each, Janata Samawadi Party got two seats and Janamorcha got one seat.

If the agreement reached between the parties in the alliance is implemented, the Congress will retain the old seat in its favor and gain three more seats. Similarly, the Maoist Center and the CPN (Maoist) will be profitable one seat each, while the JSP and the Rastriya Janamorcha will be the most profitable.

The 59-member National Assembly currently has 24 members, including the UML chairman, 14 members including the vice-chairman, seven members of the Congress, seven members of the Unified Socialists, two members of the JSP, two members of the Democratic Socialists, one independent and three nominees.

A total of 2,025 voters including 1493 from the local level and 532 from the state assembly have been retained in the election to be held on Magh 12. In the election, the members of the state assembly will have 48 votes and the village and municipality chief and deputy chief will have 18 votes.

By Muna Chand


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