Equipment connection of Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Project started

Equipment connection work of Rasuwagadhi Hydropower Project under construction in North Rasuwa has started. Although most of the structures of the project have been completed, the equipment connection work, which has been delayed for a long time due to the inability of skilled technicians to come to the workplace due to Covid-19 infection, has just started.

According to the head of the project, Satyaram Jyakhwa, the Indian company Voith India, which was entrusted with the task of installing the equipment with the capacity to generate 111 MW of electricity, has moved ahead after providing efficient manpower after a long time.

He informed that it would take about a year to connect the equipment and the project has a work schedule to generate electricity by 2022.

The project, which was launched in 2013, has already constructed 4,185 meters long headrace tunnel and power house construction structure. The construction of the Bhotekoshi dam to supply water to the power house has been completed and the underground desender pond for storing water and sand is in the final stage of construction.

It is said that Voith India has provided skilled manpower for the connection of equipment after the on-site inspection of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Executive Director Kulman Ghising last week and instructed to complete the work expeditiously.

As soon as he instructed the contractor company to complete his work from the construction site of the project under construction last week, the responsible person of the contractor company, who was slowing down due to the fear of Covid, became aware, said the project technician.

More than 40 people are working daily from 7 am to 7 pm to connect the equipment. It is said that the search tank of the project is being constructed from inside.

By Muna Chand


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