NASA spacecraft for the first time in the Sun’s atmosphere

Kathmandu, December 16

The US space agency NASA spacecraft has entered the solar system for the first time.

Scientists at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union on Tuesday announced that the spacecraft,
called the Parker Solar Probe, ad entered the Sun’s atmosphere for the first time. They say the
spacecraft has not yet been explored and has entered outer space, also known as the Corona.

The NASA spacecraft traveled this April. The spacecraft, which entered the outer part of the sun during
its eighth flight, sent the information only a few months later, and scientists said it took more time to
confirm the information.

Johns Hopkins University project scientist Nur Raofi described the arrival of the spacecraft in the Sun’s
atmosphere as encouraging.

The sun does not have a solid surface, which is why it is active in the corona region. Exploration of areas
with high magnetic activity is expected to make it easier to understand the energy that the sun suddenly

Parker Yan was sent in 2018. The spacecraft was 13 million kilometers away from the center of the sun
when it crossed the rough and uneven boundary between the solar atmosphere and the wind blowing in

According to the scientist, Yan had entered and left the Corona area up to three times. The Corona area
is dustier than previously thought, Raofi said. He also said that future trips to the region would reveal
more about the origin, warming and spreading of solar wind in space.


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