Omicron and Delta variants hit the UK, adding 79,000 infected in a single day

Omicron and Delta variants hit the UK, adding 79,000 infected in a single day

Kathmandu, December 16

The number of coronavirus infections in the UK has been steadily rising in recent times. The number of
daily infections there has reached a record high since the onset of the epidemic.

A total of 78,610 new infections were reported in the UK on Wednesday. That's a lot since the beginning
of the epidemic. So far, the corona virus has been confirmed in more than 11 million people.

Infections of the new variant Omicron are also on the rise across the UK. Prime Minister Boris Johnson
has warned that a widespread wave of infections could begin as the number of people infected with the
highly contagious omikron begins to rise.

British officials have also called for caution during social gatherings as the daily number of cod infected
people has reached an all-time high. Johnson and England's chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty,
have appealed to people not to gather unnecessarily.

Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, Prime Minister Johnson said that restaurants and liquor
stores should not be closed but should be careful when going to restaurants or liquor stores. He also
warned that the number of infected people could set new records day by day due to the increasing
number of infected people of the new variant.

Similarly, Professor Witty said that the country was facing two catastrophes at the same time due to the
rapidly spreading Omicron and Delta variants. He said that the Omicron variant was spreading very fast
and the number of infected people would soon be high.

More than 10,000 have been infected with Omicron so far in the UK. One of the infected has died.


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