Office of the Commissioner of Chinese FM in HK condemns clumsy political show by US, Western countries

“We condemn and firmly oppose the clumsy political show staged on June 4 by the consulates-general of the US and several other Western countries in Hong Kong, which echoed very few anti-China troublemakers destabilizing the city,” said the spokesperson of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the HKSAR on Saturday.

“It has only again laid bare their hidden agenda to sow instability in Hong Kong and use the city to carry out infiltration, subversion and sabotage activities against the mainland,” said the spokesperson.

The spokesperson noted that the interfering external forces are advised to take an honest look at themselves, and reflect upon their own problems earnestly.

“The Statue of Liberty has been up for over a century, but ethnic minorities in those countries are yet to be guaranteed genuine freedom, the wealth gap has become increasingly large, racial discrimination and police violence has occurred from time to time, and gun sales and shootings have reached record highs. So in what position can those countries, with such pathetic human rights records, hypocritically pass judgment on other countries’ internal affairs as self-proclaimed ‘champions of human rights’?”

The spokesperson pointed out that with the implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR and the improvement of the HKSAR’s electoral system, Hong Kong’s economy and society have been brought back onto the right track, and the momentum of loving the country and the city keeps building up.

“Any attempt to exploit Hong Kong to carry out infiltration or sabotage activities against the mainland crosses the red line and is absolutely intolerable. We again urge the organs of relevant countries in Hong Kong to immediately stop such a futile political farce, stop meddling in Hong Kong and China’s internal affairs, and avoid playing with fire,” the spokesperson said.

Hong Kong File photo:VCG


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