Pledge to make the right to live in clean environment meaningful: President Bhandari

President Vidhyadevi Bhandari has said that World Environment Day (June 5) should be taken as a day of pledge to make the right to life in the health environment enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal meaningful.

She also expressed the belief that the day would give more impetus to the implementation of the issues and commitments made by Nepal in various international fora to improve the environment around it and reduce the impact of air, water and land pollution.

The President has called upon all to promote environmental reform activities by adopting a nature-oriented lifestyle of rehabilitate the surrounding ecosystems due to over, exploitation of natural resources by humans. The President has expressed confidence that the development of infrastructure in Nepal, which is rich in natural resources with abundant biodiversity, will help in achieving the national goal of ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’ by adopting the concept of sustainable development.

The President has called upon all to be aware of the standards of public health and participate in the creative activities including community sanitation and tree planting.

Thanking the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Ministry of Other Infrastructure Development, State and Local Bodies, Security Bodies, Local Community Development Partners and all those involved in fulfilling the deep responsibility of environment protection and promotion, President Bhandari wished them all the motivation to move forwards the common goal of environment protection. June 5 has been celebrated as World Environment Day every year since 1974, as called for by the United Nations. This year, the World Environment Day is being celebrated focusing on the restoration of ecosystems.

By Muna Chand


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