Chairman of Greater Nepal  Addresses UNHRC, Raises Issue of Discrimination against Gurkha Soldiers in Indian Army

Chairman of Greater Nepal Addresses UNHRC, Raises Issue of Discrimination against Gurkha Soldiers in Indian Army


Phanindra Nepal, Chairman, Greater Nepal Nationalist Front, on Monday has addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council to shed light on discriminatory behaviour of the Indian Army to Gurkha soldiers.


Full text of the address is as follows:

[Madam Vice President ,

I would like to draw your kind attention to the disproportionately big discrimination in the Indian army.
In this context I beg your permission to tell the history of Indian Gurkha army to clear the scenario in brief . When the United kingdom of Great Britain was leaving India, Nepal, Britain, and India signed a tripartite agreement to divide and share the Gurkha army between Britain and India on November 9, 1947. Then The Gurkha army became an integral part of Indian army. However, the defense ministry of India started a huge discrimination among the Indian armies from the very beginning. I beg your kind permission to come to the main point now again .

When the army personnel serving in Indian army are killed, the Indian army hands over the dead body of Indian nationals to the family, but they never send the dead body of Indian Gurkha to Nepal for their funeral because of being Nepali national . The widows cry and the orphaned children long to see their father, but they don’t even get to see the dead body.
I request the UNHRC to take concrete action as per Vienna declaration to stop such inhuman behaviour of Indian army.

Phanindra Nepal
Greater Nepal Nationalist Front
18th March 2019
Geneva, Switzerland]



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