Boosting economy utmost priority: Gen-Secy Pokharel

Boosting economy utmost priority: Gen-Secy Pokharel

Kathmandu, Aug 18:

CPN (UML) General-Secretary Shankar Pokharel emphasized salvaging national economy was the foremost priority of the incumbent government.

General-Secretary Pokharel expressed concern over the weakened condition of the country owing to factors such as political instability, social anarchy, intense attack on social and original cultures and frail economy. So, utmost priority of the government was to freeing country from all these malaises.

He said it while addressing the 23rd National Council’s meeting of the Nepal National Teachers Association in the federal capital on Friday.

Highlighting the need for addressing the challenges in public education sector, he claimed that only teachers’ associations were equipped to address those challenges. “Only politically aware people can advance education sector. Political awareness is prerequisite to social awakening,” he viewed.

Acknowledging teachers’ role in political awakening in Nepal’s history, he viewed that only teachers could counter negative narrative being developed in the Nepali society at present.
However, Pokharel expressed concern over decreasing education quality in community schools due to exclusion of conscious and aware people of society from public education. Positive initiatives from all quarters were essential to improve quality of education in public schools.

“Teachers’ associations should pay special attention to this,” he reminded.
On a different note, he asserted that the CPN (UML) and Nepali Congress formed a coalition government to address the problems in the country and to ensure political stability. A visionary leadership, strong political party and political stability were prerequisites to the development of the country.

“Development eludes in absence of a strong political power,” he observed, adding that the two strong political parties had come together to form the government considering this fact.

The togetherness of the CPN (UML) and the Nepali Congress is to build basis for the democracy and stability. Once the basis is ready, the two biggest political parties will contest in a healthy manner, according to him.



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