Chinese Gen Z actress pays evaded tax of $334,000 after netizen reports tax evasion

Chinese Generation Z actress Jiang Yiyi has made remedial payments for due taxes of nearly 2.4 million yuan (roughly $334,000) after a netizen revealed she evaded paying tax. It’s a second tax evasion case of a young actress following netizens’ revelation of another tax evasion case of the popular Chinese female star Song Zuer.

According to the message posted by the netizen called LHHHH on China’s lifestyle-oriented platform Xiaohongshu on Sunday, LHHHH reported Jiang’s tax evasion to the local tax bureau in the city of Jinhua in East China’s Zhejiang Province in February, saying neither Jiang’s studio nor herself paid the individual income tax after Jiang earned a total of about 16.13 million yuan from 2016 to 2021.

LHHHH got feedback from Jinhua tax office in July, which confirmed Jiang’s tax evasion, and said that Jiang’s personal income tax and overdue payment of about $334,000 has been collected and deposited.

LHHHH’s revelation came after a netizen said in late August that Song Zuer was suspected of tax evasion with an amount of 45 million yuan and has been summoned for questioning. Song’s former management company on August 31 said the company has not been involved in any financial accounting and tax declaration related to Song since October 2020. Song herself has not responded to the matter as of press time.

(Global Times)


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