National basic public service standards updated to pin down the range and standards for social security

National basic public service standards updated to pin down the range and standards for social security

An updated version of the National Basic Public Service Standards was jointly issued on Wednesday by China’s National Development and Reform Commission and nine other departments after it was approved by China’s State Council. It’s the first adjustment since the standards were issued and enacted in 2021.

The 2023 version has great significance since it pins down the range and standards for the government’s public services, the last line of social security. It serves as an inevitable requirement for improving the basic public service system and enhancing people’s sense of gain, happiness and security.

The standards serve as a “hard promise” made by the government to the people that must be adhered to, and a “letter of responsibility” that governments at all levels must fulfill.

The national basic public service standards specify the basic public service items that people can enjoy according to laws in a bid to assure people’s rights and interests with clear service items and clear service standards. With the updated standards, the public can enjoy a higher level of welfare.

Compared with the 2021 version, the 2023 version added one service item of providing folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defects to improve the prenatal care for women and assure the heath of newborns from rural areas.

The 2023 version has also improved the subsidy standards of three service items for students of compulsory education stage, the dietary subsidies for students from rural areas and families who plan to have children.

Besides, it’s also expanded the range of the groups who can enjoy the services of the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas and centralized support provided to special groups.

The 2023 version also standardized and improved the service content, standards and expenditure responsibilities of 41 services including maternal health services and maternity insurance.

Taking into account the impact of the establishment and functional transfer of new institutions such as the National CDC, the leading institutions responsible for 10 projects such as vaccination, health education and health literacy promotion have been adjusted, and departmental responsibilities have been further clarified.

According to the circular of the 2023 version, all regions should adjust specific standards for basic regional public services, which should be implemented not lower than the national standards. The implementation standards should be issued and implemented by the end of this December, and announced to the public in a timely manner.

Besides, all the localities should strengthen personnel, financial resources, facilities and other factors, strengthen the capacity of supplying public service, and ensure the implementation of the national and local standards.

(Global Times)


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