Remarks of PM Dahal misinterpreted to fulfil political interests: PM’s private secretariat

Remarks of PM Dahal misinterpreted to fulfil political interests: PM’s private secretariat

Kathmandu, July 6 :

Statements relating to Sardar Pritam Singh delivered by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ at an event in Kathmandu on July 3 were misinterpreted, said the PM’s private secretariat.

There were efforts to fulfil political interests taking advantage of the remarks, and the matter had drawn ‘serious’ attention of the secretariat, according to a statement issued by PM Dahal’s press advisor Govinda Acharya.

The secretariat has accused major opposition parties of obstructing the parliament in the name of the said statements attributed to the PM. As a result of the Parliament obstruction, the ordinance to bring the bill to criminalise usuary practice has been annulled depriving the victims of justice, reads the statement. “We would like to offer deep sorrow over the annulment of the ordinance, and are committed to take necessary initiatives in favour of the victims of loan sharking.”

PM Dahal and Singh had a meeting and were known to each other after then the Maoist entered the peace process by ending decade-long insurgency, it has been said.

During 2067/68 BS, Dahal’s elder daughter Gyanu Dahal got treatment for cancer in India while staying at the house of Singh in New Delhi. The Dahal’s family started visiting the Singh’s during that time, according to the statement.

During that time, relations between PM Dahal’s son Prakash and Singh’s grandson had deepened, and their personal and mutual relations reached the level of family relations.

Singh had been stating that PM Dahal’s leadership was needed to drive Nepal on the path to a new era. He during an informal meeting with Dahal had offered his good faith, saying, “A capable man like you (Dahal) should be again Prime Minister of Nepal.” PM Dahal contextually picked this context during a book launch, said the secretariat.

According to Acharya, the PM recalled during the programme the views Singh expressed during the family conversations when he visited Singh’s private house in Delhi. “It is in itself futile and regrettable to politicize in an exaggerated manner the emotional expression that PM Prachanda aired (in the programme) to articulate his deep relations with Singh, twisting it and blowing it out of proportion,” he said.

Stating that Prime Minister Prachanda, elected from the respected Parliament, is always accountable to the Federal Parliament, he said it is unfortunate to unilaterally spread propaganda against the PM’s intention and without providing him with the opportunity to clarify his views in Parliament.

As he said, to demand the PM’s resignation, at a time when an optimistic environment is created, through the steps taken by the government for the protection of democracy and ensuring good governance, and against the attacks from various corners to create apathy towards the party politics and the democratic system itself, with a message of ‘it can be done’ in place of ‘nothing happens’, clearly shows the intention to stop the campaign against corruption and for the interest of the people.

CPN (Maoist Centre) Chair Prachanda was elected to the post of Prime Minister on December 25, 2022 with the support of the main opposition party, the CPN (UML). He had garnered nearly cent per cent votes in his support in the House of Representatives, the lower house of the Federal Parliament.

The press statement reads: “We should also be mindful of the fact that to obstruct the parliament by calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister, with a narrow political mindset, is against the steps taken by the government in favour of good governance, prosperity and social justice, and is tantamount to disrespect of the entire parliament itself.”

The PM’s press advisor has appealed to one and all to become free of any sort of such falsehood and to express their solidarity to the government’s campaign of good governance.



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