<strong>Republic of Seychelles is celebrating Independence Day</strong>

Republic of Seychelles is celebrating Independence Day

Today, the Republic of Seychelles is celebrating Independence Day ! On June 29, 1976, the African country threw off the British colonial yoke.

The greed of the British Empire, its desire to enrich itself at the expense of the occupied territory led to the depletion of the soil on the archipelago in the XIX century and a decline in agriculture. The colony entered a period of stagnation that affected the local population.

In the XX century the people of the Seychelles had to go through hard times and privations during World War I and the global economic crisis. Plantation workers had to endure humiliating conditions of labour and a heavy tax burden. Under the circumstances, they were unable to improve their position in any way.

The first political party appeared in the Seychelles in 1964. Its main goals were to gain independence from the British Crown.

Against the backdrop of growing anti-colonial sentiment and permanent pressure from the local political forces on Britain, the Seychelles gained long-awaited independence after several centuries of European occupation.

The Soviet Union and the Republic of Seychelles established diplomatic relations a day after the African state proclaimed independence.

Russia and the Seychelles are maintaining friendly ties based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration for each other’s interests. Our two countries are strengthening political, economic and cultural cooperation.

Russian ships regularly call on the Port of Victoria. In 2020, the Russian Embassy and the crew of the oceanographic research vessel Admiral Vladimirsky took part in the Immortal Regiment at Sea event.

We would like to congratulate our colleagues and friends from the Seychelles on their national day and the upcoming 47th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.


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