China declares a Canadian diplomat in Shanghai as “persona non grata” in countermeasure

China declares a Canadian diplomat in Shanghai as “persona non grata” in countermeasure

In response to Canada’s unreasonable expulsion of a Chinese diplomat, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that consul of the Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai as “persona non grata” and has asked the Canadian diplomat to leave China before May 13.

Earlier on May 9, the Canadian government declared a diplomat of the Consulate-General of China in Toronto persona non grata. China strongly condemns and firmly opposes this and has lodged serious démarches and strong protest to Canada, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday.

As a reciprocal countermeasure in reaction to Canada’s move, China declared Jennifer Lynn Lalonde, consul of the Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai persona non grata, who has been asked to leave China no later than May 13. And China reserves the right to take further measures, the spokesperson said.

The Liberal government is expelling Chinese diplomat Zhao Wei, who Canada’s spy agency alleged was involved in a plot to intimidate Conservative MP Michael Chong and his relatives in Hong Kong, the Canadian Press reported.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly wrote in a statement that Canada has declared the Toronto-based diplomat as “persona non grata,” according to the media report.

The Chinese Embassy in Canada said in an earlier statement that China strongly condemned and firmly opposed the latest unreasonable move of the Canadian side, which serious violates international law and basic principles of international relations, as well as relevant bilateral agreements between China and Canada.

The Consulate-General of China in Toronto said in a statement on Tuesday that consular officers always perform their duties in accordance with related international conventions and bilateral consular agreements, which is completely aboveboard and beyond reproach.

The false allegation of ”China Interference” is groundless and a projection of the alleger’s own image, the consulate-general said. The Canadian side places political manipulation above international law, which is a political provocation and doomed to fail, it noted.

Chinese experts considered China’s countermeasure is reasonable, necessary and disciplined, and only in this way can the Canadian society and the international community have a more thorough and clear understanding of the rumors and slander launched by Canada against China.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said during a press conference on Tuesday that declaring a Canadian diplomat in Shanghai as “persona non grata” and requiring the diplomat to leave China before May 13 is an action that China took to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. This action is completely justified and necessary.

The Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in Canada and their diplomatic and consular personnel have always abided by relevant international conventions and local laws and regulations and performed their duties in accordance with the law. China will not accept the erroneous actions made by the Canadian government that seriously undermine the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese diplomatic and consular personnel, Wang said.

The spokesperson also urged the Canadian side to immediately stop its unreasonable provocations. If the Canadian side ignores this advice and acts recklessly, China will respond resolutely and forcefully and all the consequences arising must be borne by the Canadian side, Wang added.

(Global Times)


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