China rejects Canada’s attack and smear in its newly released Indo-Pacific strategy

China rejects Canada’s attack and smear in its newly released Indo-Pacific strategy

Some Western countries, who at will undermine the international order and other countries’ sovereignty, are the true disruptive force to global peace, security and development, and Canada has played a disgraceful role to this effect, the Chinese Embassy in Canada said after Canada launched an Indo-Pacific strategy on Sunday, calling China “an increasingly disruptive global power” that must be contained.

China strongly deplored and rejected the attack and smear targeting China outlined within Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy, an embassy spokesperson said, emphasizing that Canada is completely wrong in interpreting China’s domestic and foreign policies, in recognizing the leadership of Communist Party of China, in jeopardizing China’s national interest and in provoking geopolitical confrontation in the region.

The spokesperson pointed out that days were long gone when individual Western countries bossed around the developing ones, saying China won’t tolerate any external interference on matters related to Taiwan island, Xinjiang region and Hong Kong.

Trying to separate the Chinese government from its people only exposes Canada’s ignorance of China, and is an approach that is doomed to fail, the spokesperson said.

China urged the Canadian side to stop sabotaging regional peace and stability, as well as political manipulation on China-related issues. “Otherwise, it will face shameful failure and forceful countermeasures from the Chinese side,” the embassy said.

(Global Times)


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