China should assess the more effective plan

China should assess the more effective plan

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China has always adhered to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development and is committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. How to understand this issue in the process of China-Nepal friendly exchanges and the construction of a community of shared future? We asked that question to some politicians and learned analysts.

 The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held on October 16. The National Congress of the CPC is held every five years. The Congress, which is considered the highest body of the Chinese Communist Party, elects new leadership for the next five years and passes a plan for the work to be done during the same period. From the convention, the party’s standing committee and politburo are also elected, who is the country’s senior policymakers. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a report, which immediately aroused widespread repercussions and was highly praised by people from all walks of life and was considered the beginning of a new journey for China under the leadership of CPC. The report pointed out that China has always adhered to the foreign policy purpose of maintaining world peace and promoting common development and is committed to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The concept of “Community with a Common Future of Mankind” answers the key questions of how each country will continue and develop in the future. When asked how to understand this issue in the process of China-Nepal friendly exchange and building a common future community, some leaders and analysts said this.

Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader Jhala Nath Khanal:

The 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party is being held as a historic congress. In the past ten years, the Chinese Communist Party has promoted China’s overall social, economic, cultural, defense, commercial, technological, and scientific development, and the world has been expanding China’s relations and cooperation. In the perspective of all these things, this 20th Congress has been inaugurated with the goal of transforming China itself economically by 2035, and into a powerful modern socialist of the world by 2050. And now China’s socialist modernization or building a modern prosperous and powerful prosperous socialist country, as well as establishing peace in the whole world, accelerating the development of the world, establishing a social and economic system in the world, and establishing equality among all nations, the Chinese Communist Party The conference that is being organized will have a far-reaching impact on the world situation. It will also have a far-reaching effect on the communist movement around the world. It will also play a role in improving the relationship between Nepal and China.

 Former Deputy Prime Minister CP Mainali:

China has been adopting this policy for the past decade. Naturally, China seeks a peaceful world and peaceful development. China is committed to building a human community with a shared future. There are many policies taken by China, whether it is BRI, whether it is a global city, or whether it is a matter of inter-civilization, many such policies have been taken out. Nepal-China relations have reached a level of multilateral political cooperation since the visit of President Xi Jinping 2 years ago. Nepal can do important work in the development of its Nepali people, including its economic exit from China. At the same time, Nepal has signed the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) agreement in 2017 and we agree with it. Nepal should continue dialogue and cooperation with China to implement projects for infrastructure and other development under this. Under the BRI project, Nepal can take advantage of its infrastructure construction and other development. At the same time, we are close to Nepal and China along the long Himalayan equator and our relations in the modern era have been very friendly, respecting each other, adopting a non-intervention policy, and operating based on Panchshil’s beliefs and principles. On the one hand, Nepal has been fully supporting the One China policy. Nepal has also given guarantees that its land will not be used against China. On the other hand, a powerful neighbor like China has always given greater support to the issues of freedom, sovereignty, integrity, security, and defense. In such a situation, I think that such relations and such mutual cooperation will help in the great work of building a human community with a common future at the international level.

 Former Minister and Leftist Leader Radha Krishna Mainali:

It is the Chinese Communist Party’s much-presumption convention, which is underway. For that, on behalf of the Nepalese people and myself, I would like to congratulate the Chinese. It is the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. This conference is moving forward in a very decisive and important situation from the perspective of the current world and now the personality and ability of Xi Jinping as leader was being established and the conference took it further. It has brought forward the determination of the Chinese people to promote not only China’s prosperity but also world peace. And the Chinese are now standing in the interests of the peace-loving common people of the world.

I think that now the imperialist powers of the world who want to destroy the socialist sector of the world through destruction. The Chinese have been emphasizing that the current 20th Congress will take the relationship between Nepal and China to a higher level and promote the friendship between Nepal and China in the context of maintaining peace in the world. Nepali parties have always expressed their commitment to not using Nepali land against Chinese land while promoting the one-China policy. The common Nepalese people have also been considering and accepting China as a good friend. The Chinese have emphasized the same point in this convention as well. As much as the Nepali people are concerned about developing Nepal-China cultural relations, helping each other’s economic development, and developing mutual friendship, the Chinese are also moving forward in a positive way. This is the height of the Nepal-China friendship. This is the happy side for Nepal-China.

Prof. Dr. Janardan Acharya:

The first thing is that in view of the fact that China is now being established as a superpower or as a powerful country in terms of economic development, from the point of view of China maintaining world peace and order and good governance in the world, poor countries, including their neighboring countries, backward countries, whether they are from Africa or Asia or South Americans China’s support to all is commendable. Moreover, in a country like Nepal, whose northern border is connected with China and Tibet and its lower southern border is connected with India. The support China has given in the direction of systematically exploring the means and resources of a poor country like ours, and the support China gives to the communities here, has been exchanged in times of pain. We saw it during the earthquake, and we also saw it during COVID. Since this continuous historical period, the relationship between China and Nepal has always been harmonious at the people’s level. But sometimes, due to the short-sighted view of the political leadership, sometimes Nepal-China friendship seems to have ups and downs. In view of that, my only wish is that in the coming Communist Party convention, the coming leadership should take all these things to heart and concentrate on the activities to strengthen it in an intensive way about how to think and what to do to strengthen the relationship with Nepal and China.

Political analyst and writer Binod Neupane:

America and China have a double-talk war. China has gone its own way in this war of words. It has its own policies. China has prepared its own strategies. These are his internal affairs. How China looks at the world, how it looks at neighboring countries, and how politics and geopolitics have changed after the Second World War, it looks at things. China has just held a convention. China has a Chinese Communist Party with over 90 million internal members. We cannot directly evaluate the issues of policy formulation, strategy, thinking towards neighbors, economic policy, political policy, and social transformation by discussing that Communist Party meeting. It should be analyzed. should study. I have not been able to see the policy of the Chinese Communist Party that they have made. We should analyze the things that the policies of a neighboring country will affect our internal affairs and our foreign policies, what outcomes will it give us, and how will it make a difference to our economic affairs said. It can only be said by collecting the data.

President of Nepal-China Mutual Cooperation Society Prem Sagar Poudel:

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is almost certain to elect the current President of China, Xi Jinping, for a third term. With Xi re-elected as president for a third term, there have been analyzes of Xi’s far-reaching influence on Chinese and world politics. The work of incorporating Taiwan into the motherland will take priority. There is also a possibility that China will review its relations with its neighbors.

Equally important is the issue of what opportunities Xi’s third term as president will bring to Nepal. China’s cooperation is essential for Nepal’s stability and development. Recently, due to the growing western influence in Nepal, China’s interest has increased. China’s interests seem to be linked to security.

President Xi presented national security as the country’s first priority in his speech on October 16 regarding the upcoming term. Nepal’s first priority is to reassure China about security, which is the first priority of President Xi.

For this, Nepal should be able to stop the anti-China activities in the name of independent Tibetans in Nepal for a long time. Nepal should be able to stop the anti-China activities which are happening for a long time in the name of independent Tibetans forever. Nepal should be able to avoid the entanglements that the West is creating to use the Nepalese army against China. Nepal should not allow the Western plan to create obstacles in China’s development and stability by establishing its own interest groups in Nepal’s politics.

Americans are trying to increase anti-Chinese activities in Nepal in the name of independent Tibetans. In such a situation, Nepal may fall into the blacklist of China. Therefore, if Nepal wants China’s cooperation, it seems necessary to separate itself from the Western thinking of developing Nepal as a center of anti-China activities. Now Nepal is not in that situation. At the instigation of the West, Nepal has used the help and support it is getting from China against China and has set an example of a betrayer and opportunistic neighbor.

The relationship between Nepal and China was higher than that of its neighbors. However, in recent days, Nepal seems to trust the West more than China. Therefore, the new security strategy adopted by China will also affect Nepal. In such a situation, Nepal will turn into a country of instability due to the influence of the West. Which will affect China to some extent. So China’s role now is for stability in Nepal. China’s cooperation is also essential for development. More than that, China can play a role in bringing Nepal out of the influence of the West in terms of security.

I believe that the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party will review the Nepal policy. China should formulate a more effective plan to make Nepal, an important gateway to South Asia, stable, developed, and peaceful. Earlier, China’s Nepal policy has been ineffective.

Earlier, China’s Nepal policy has been ineffective. The assistance and support provided by China have been ineffective. Although there are thousands of students who have obtained higher education from China, there is not a strong group that takes a firm stand in favor of China in Nepal. Chinese investment is ineffective in Nepal’s politics. The leaders of the political parties do not seem to stand in favor of China. Anti-Chinese forces in Nepal are reaping the benefits of China’s investment in all areas. In the days ahead, China should identify its special friends in Nepal and establish them and through them provide assistance and support at the public level. Only then can Nepal become developed, stable, peaceful, and China-friendly.





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