Two-faced Washington playing ‘Taiwan card’ will bankrupt its credibility

Two-faced Washington playing ‘Taiwan card’ will bankrupt its credibility

The US has become addicted to manipulating the “Taiwan card” in recent years, including US politicians’ provocative visits, arms sales, passing Taiwan-related bills, calling for Taiwan’s so-called international participation and hyping economic issues. In particular, US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi provocatively visited Taiwan island and the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations passed the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, saying one thing and doing another, further examples of eroding US credibility, its paranoia, and complete lack of morals.

In a recent routine press conference, China’s Ministry of Defense Spokesman Tan Kefei, in responding to questions about US manipulation in Taiwan-related affairs, said that some people in the US go against international law and basic international norms, violate the one-China principle and the Joint Three Communiqués, abandon serious political commitments to China over the Taiwan question, constantly hollow out the one-China principle, while encouraging and inciting DPP authorities to intensify cross-Straits confrontation. All of these are dangerous and provocative acts.

The US playing the “Taiwan card” violates international law and the basic norms of the international relations, brutally trampling on the international order and rules. In October 1971, the 26th UN General Assembly overwhelmingly passed UN Resolution 2758, which restored all rights of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the UN and recognized the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the UN. Under this principle, Taiwan has no right to participate in the UN and other international organizations that only sovereign states can participate in. Countries that have established diplomatic relations with China cannot develop official relations with Taiwan, sell arms to Taiwan or engage in any form of military alliance with it. There are 181 countries, including the US, that have established diplomatic relations with China based on the one-China principle. In recent years, the US Congress has frequently made erroneous remarks related to Taiwan, and proposed and passed many bills which serve to undermine the one-China principle. The US aims at putting US domestic law above international law and international obligations, which is disregarding and trampling on the international law and norms of international relations. It proves that the US applies international rules in a selective and utilitarian way, which is pure hypocrisy and double standards. It is bound to be condemned by all peace-loving people in the international community.

The US abusively playing the “Taiwan card” violates the spirit of the three China-US joint communiqués and is a blatant betrayal of US government’s commitments. The three China-US joint communiqués are the political foundation of China-US relations. In 1972, the US made it clear in the Shanghai Communiqué that the US acknowledges that Taiwan is a part of China. In 1979, the US recognized the government of the PRC as the sole legal government of China in the two countries’ joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations. Within this range, the people of the US will maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. In 1982, the US once again made a clear commitment in the August 17 communiqué that the US recognizes the government of the PRC as the sole legal government of China, there is but one China and Taiwan is a part of China; the US also reiterates that it has no intention of infringing on Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, or interfering in China’s internal affairs, or pursuing a policy of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan.” Successive US administrations have reiterated and adhered to the one-China principle, including the Biden administration.

But the US has become increasingly two-faced in recent years, hollowing out the one-China principle and challenging China’s bottom line by using salami-slicing tactics. The US has intensified its efforts to break the important principle of no official exchanges with Taiwan region. Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan and the US Congress’ promoting of the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 have fundamentally betrayed the US’ political commitments made in the three China-US joint communiqués. These extremely irresponsible acts are completely contrary to the Biden administration’s commitments that the US does not seek a new Cold War with China; it does not aim to change China’s system; the revitalization of its alliances is not targeted at China; the US does not support “Taiwan independence”; and it has no intention to seek conflict with China. This exposes the US government’s ugly face to the international community, representing the bankruptcy of US politics, diplomacy and credibility.

The US abusively playing the “Taiwan card” has taken the situation in the Taiwan Straits to a dangerous status and seriously damages the peace in the Asia-Pacific region. The US keeps saying it wants to maintain world peace and regional stability, but the fact is the US has long become the world’s biggest source of chaos. It is a rumor mill, destroyer of peace, and disruptive force for cooperation. From wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq to the Ukraine conflict, when the US announces that it “stands firmly with” a country, it’s inevitable that the country in question will soon slide into chaos.

In recent years, the US has gone great lengths to piece together the Quad mechanism and AUKUS, promote NATO’s Asia-Pacificization and globalization. Its intention to create small circles to destroy peace in the Asia-Pacific region is too obvious. Pelosi ignored the Chinese government’s strong opposition and warnings, recklessly visited China’s Taiwan and stirred up the situation in the Taiwan Straits. This is strong proof that the US is trying to disturb the Asia-Pacific. The US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations passed the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, enhanced the official relations between the US and Taiwan island, increased the US’ military aid to Taiwan, blatantly provoked China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and further sent a wrong signal to the DPP authorities. It will seriously impact China-US relations and the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, leading to serious consequences. The US must take full responsibility for this.

(Global Times)


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