PLA to start live fire drills 2 days after Pelosi’s visit, leaves time for ship evacuations, airline adjustments

PLA to start live fire drills 2 days after Pelosi’s visit, leaves time for ship evacuations, airline adjustments

Shortly after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan for her provocative visit on Tuesday night, the Xinhua News Agency announced that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would conduct a series of live fire military drills from Thursday to Saturday in six different areas that encircle the island from all directions.

Some people have been questioning why the PLA decided to kick off the drills two days after her arrival. A military expert explained that the arrangement shows the PLA’s rational and responsible attitude as it leaves time for domestic and foreign civilian ships and airlines to evacuate their ships and adjust their flights.

Zhang Junshe, a senior research fellow at the Naval Research Academy of the People’s Liberation Army, told the Global Times on Wednesday that the drills include long-range live-fire shooting and conventional missile test launches.

Per international conventions, areas of military drills have to be disclosed three days in advance and 24 hours in advance under an emergency situation. “That is mainly to leave enough time for domestic and foreign ships to evacuate as well as for related civilian airlines to adjust their routes to avoid the areas. The move is intended to avoid hurting ordinary people during the drills, showing the rational and responsible attitude of the PLA,” Zhang noted.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday made clear that Pelosi’s visit will not change the historical trend that Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland. Wang, who is attending meetings on East Asian cooperation on a visit to Cambodia, told reporters that Pelosi’s tour is a complete farce.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a routine press conference the same day that some US officials like Pelosi want to collude with secessionist forces and use the island to contain China and infringe on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. It is like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, which will not prevent but accelerate China’s reunification process.

The reunification process is indeed accelerating, Zhang said, noting the unprecedented high level of actual combat, strategy and influence of the upcoming joint exercises.

A sketch map shows the six regions where the People's Liberation Army will conduct important military exercises and training activities including live-fire drills surrounding the Taiwan island from August 4 to 7, 2022. Photo: Xinhua

A sketch map shows the six regions where the People’s Liberation Army will conduct important military exercises and training activities including live-fire drills surrounding the Taiwan island from August 4 to 7, 2022. Photo: Xinhua

The drills are very close to Taiwan island. The drill to the northwest of the island is around Pingtan island in East China’s  Fujian Province, the narrowest part of the Taiwan Straits. The drill in this place can block the north channel of the straits; two other drills to the north of Taiwan can block the Keelung Port; the drill to the east of the island directly target military bases in Hualien and Taitung; the drill to the southeast of the island can effectively threaten the Bashi Channel; the last one to the southwest of the island is very close to Kaohsiung and Zuoying district.

“From the designated PLA military drill areas, the PLA’s operations could form a complete blockade around Taiwan island, which means to block the enemy’s retreat and then beat him,” Zhang said.

Zhang noted that the PLA used to conduct exercises along the waters offshore the mainland, but this time the drills cross the “median line” of the Taiwan Straits claimed by the Taiwan authorities. The biggest meaning of the drills is to suppress and deter external forces and “secessionist forces” that intend to collude and split the country.

“From the designation of the areas we can tell that an aim of the drills is to deter and stop the interference of external forces,” Zhang noted.

(Global Times)


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