US only brings about disaster to people they said they stand with: Chinese FM responds to Pelosi’s provocative claim and visit to island of Taiwan

US only brings about disaster to people they said they stand with: Chinese FM responds to Pelosi’s provocative claim and visit to island of Taiwan

History repeatedly proves that US politicians will only bring about chaos and disaster to the people they said they stand with, Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday in response to Nancy Pelosi’s statement that her visit to the island of Taiwan “should be seen as a strong statement that America stands with Taiwan.”

“Looking at Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan, look at the ‘beautiful sight to behold’ that Pelosi once said she would stand with, and the secessionists in China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. What happened to them now?” Hua Chunying, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said at the regular press conference held on Thursday.

During the press conference, a reporter asked that whether the Chinese mainland can win the hearts and wills of the Taiwan people by holding military exercises.

“Have you asked the Taiwan authorities whether they have asked the Taiwan people about their hearts and wills when they decided to arrange or invite Pelosi to visit the island?” Hua asked in reply. “I know there have been many protests in Taiwan since Pelosi came to the island. So, are what the Taiwan authorities doing for the welfare, interests and expectations of the Taiwan people?”

Hua stressed that the military action is a warning to provocateurs and aimed at the “Taiwan independence” secessionists. She said that as long as people do not support “Taiwan independence,” the military action has nothing to do with them and will not cause any harm.

Shortly after Pelosi arrived at Taipei’s Songshan Airport, five Chinese departments issued statements condemning the visit, stating that it has a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, seriously infringes upon China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the “Taiwan independence” forces.

At 12 pm on Thursday, PLA Eastern Theater Command Army started to conduct important military exercises and training activities including live-fire drills in six large maritime areas and their air space surrounding the island of Taiwan, in its north, northeast, east, south, southwest and northwest.

When asked if the missiles and weapons used in the drill are proof of “China threat,” Hua said such mentality is a typical thinking of some individual Westerners and has nothing to do with “China threat.”

“If anyone tries to use this to prove that China is a threat, it only shows that his or her heart is very dark. They ignored the fact that everything that has come to this point has been caused by Pelosi’s obstinate action despite China’s repeated solemn representations and the repeated advice of all parties.”

The military exercises and training activities in waters near China’s Taiwan island are a necessary and legitimate measure to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Hua said. Besides, relevant Chinese authorities have issued safety alerts and navigation warnings in advance, which are in line with international law and practice.

According to Reuters, a senior US State Department official said on Wednesday that “China should not use [Pelosi’s visit] as a pretext to continue what it’s been doing, which is seeking to change the status quo with regard to Taiwan.”

In response, Hua said on Thursday that the relevant remarks by the US are a typical case of changing the meaning of right and wrong, which reflects the US’ persistent hegemonism and rudeness.

China has long pointed out that past mistakes should not be used as an excuse for the US to make more mistakes. China is a country that is good at drawing lessons from history. “We will never allow the US to chip away at, erode or hollow out the one-China principle by salami-slicing approach and we will never allow the US to seek to gradually change in the status quo in the Taiwan Straits under any reason or pretext,” Hua said.

Any tension in the situation across the Taiwan Straits is solely caused by the US. The root cause is Pelosi’s willful interference with Taiwan out of selfish interests, which seriously violates the one-China principle, Hua noted.

(Global Times)


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