Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan dangerous, provocative

Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan dangerous, provocative

Amid escalating cross-Straits tensions due to possible visit of US House Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, China’s top official to the UN warned that the visit is dangerous and provocative, as the one-China principle is a red line in China’s relations with other countries, and China allows no one to cross this red line.

Zhang Jun, permanent representative of China to UN, further elaborated on China’s positions on the Taiwan question and Pelosi’s potential visit at a press briefing on Monday as China assumes the rotating presidency of the Security Council in August. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The one-China principle is a red line in China’s relations with other countries, and we allow no one to cross this red line, he said.

“China firmly opposes any separatist move toward ‘Taiwan Independence’ and any interference by external forces, and allows no room for ‘Taiwan Independence’ in whatever form,” he said.

The Chinese official also pointed out that China has repeatedly made clear to the US its serious concerns over Speaker Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan as well as China’s firm opposition to it. Such a visit is apparently dangerous and provocative. It will send a seriously wrong signal to the separatist elements seeking “Taiwan Independence,” undermine the one-China principle, undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, undermine the peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, and undermine the relationship between China and the US.

During a closely-watched trip to Asia, Pelosi is reportedly expected to visit the island, several US media reported on Monday, citing unnamed US officials, despite that China has sent out stern warnings to the Biden administration with the People’s Liberation Army being fully prepared for any eventuality.

If Pelosi visits the island of Taiwan, “the PLA will not sit idly by” and will take “resolute and strong countermeasures” to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, warned on Monday, following consecutive warnings from the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Ministry of National Defense.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken downplayed the visit during a press briefing on Monday, saying that it’s Pelosi’s own decision and citing prior speakers’ visits there.

In response to questions comparing Pelosi’s potential visit with the visit by the then US House Speaker Gingrich in 1997, Zhang said a previous mistake does not make the following mistake legitimate. In recent years, due to the influence of some external forces, the situation in Taiwan has changed for the worse, and the “Taiwan Independence” elements are moving down on the wrong path. Without prompt containment measures against them, the situation may risk losing control.

“The Chinese government and people are determined in safeguarding our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We will take every necessary measure,” he said.

The PLA Eastern Theater Command on Monday released a video on its official account along with the message saying “we are fully prepared for any eventuality. Fight upon order, bury every intruder, execute toward joint and successful operation.” Also, from Tuesday to Saturday, military training is carried out in some waters of the South China Sea and live ammunition will be fired in some waters in the northern part of the Bohai Sea from Monday to Thursday.

(Global Times)


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