Meeting on Tendong Lho Rum Faat

Meeting on Tendong Lho Rum Faat


Namchi, 28th July: The first review meeting with line departments for the grand celebration of State Level Tendong Lho Rum Faat was held at Nali Partam, Lingee today. Present during the meeting were President Renzong Mutanchi Ringmom Kurmom (RMRK) O.T. Lepcha,  Additional Political Secretary ( East) Tshering Wangchuk Lepcha, ADC (Ravangla) Sunil Mothey, SDPO (Ravangla) Bikash Tiwari, Officials from various line departments alongside members of Sikkim Lepcha Youth Association and RMRK. 

Addressing, the meeting President (RMRK) O.T. Lepcha urged the officials and the stakeholders to work in proper coordination and in tandem for the successful organization of Tendong Lho Rum Faat, 2022. He also updated the officials present to identify and mobilise the stakeholders and to further enable them to actively and enthusiastically participate in planning the celebration. During the course of the meeting various feedback from the officials were also undertaken for a successfull organization of the event. 

Speaking, during the meeting APS Tshering Wangchuk Lepcha briefed about the traditional aspect of this festival and underlined about the state of Sikkim, where different festivals belonging to numerous communities are observed in a harmonious manner. He also added the endeavours of State Government aimed for relentless upgradation towards the development of the diverse communities in the state. Moreover, he commended and admired the efforts put by various individuals and volunteers who is diligently working for prosperously honouring the festival.

After a two-year gap due to the pandemic, the annual celebration of Tendong Lho Rum Faat will be held at Nali Partam, Lingee which will fall on 8th and 9th August. The two day long observance will draw people from different walks of life. A special religious service by the bongthing will also be held in the presence of the pious stone “Lungchok”  installed at the premises. 

It maybe nentioned that Tendong Lho Rum Faat is one of the oldest and the most significant festival of lepcha community in Sikkim and is lauded in domestic as well as in international arena. This year Tendong Lho Rum Faat is also being celebrated in the spirit of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav theme. (IPR)


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