Interview with Borna Bahadur Karki about SPP:

Interview with Borna Bahadur Karki about SPP:

Q.: On the topic of SPP, what kind of difficulties do you see towards Nepal or any kind of benefit to America? Also, Nepal currently does not have a strong relationship with both of its neighboring countries. What is your perception of this matter?

Ans.: For a long time, America is trying to make Nepal a common playground by bringing different matters like MCC, and SPP. First America brought MCC by influencing different party leaders and passed it even after a big mass of the population was against the agreement. MCC is one of the parts of the Indo-Pacific strategy and now to bring the armies sooner, they came up with another agreement called SPP. SPP is a State Partnership Program that is related to resolving the issue of bringing armies to Nepal. In part of the Nepal government, it hasn’t been able to send the disapproval letter to America to date. The government is responding because of America’s pressure, it has been difficult to send the disapproval letter. It shows that America is following its naked strategy to make the Nepal government on accepting the SPP agreement. If America will act in such a way, its greater impact can be seen in China and might be in India too. The main reason behind all these grants is to use Nepal’s land to affect/ impact our neighboring country China. It is to surround China but here China is all prepared with its arm force if such kind of threats is seen to it. In such a scenario, Nepal will just be the platform of war behind such powerful nations and the country will not be able to handle the situation rather than face disaster. If such a situation occurs, Nepal will have to face similar conditions as that Afghanistan and Syria. The way Nepal politicians are supporting America will destroy the sovereignty and self-reliance of the country.


Q.: It is clear that Nepal and China will face difficulty in accepting SPP but what kind of impact do you see in India because of it?

Ans.: If SPP will come, it’s for sure that the impact will be seen in India, not just Nepal and China. India will face safety issues. But it doesn’t seem that India is taking SPP seriously the way China is concerned about this agreement. If Nepal will be the common platform for America, then that will impact Nepal and its neighboring countries.


Q.: What difficulties or dangers do you see?

Ans.: If American armies come, they will surely try to trick and twist both sides of the country i.e., India and China.


Q.: As China’s weakest side in Tibet, what could be the weakest part of India?

Ans.: In days to come, if India doesn’t agree to American terms or it doesn’t maintain healthy relations with America, then America can make a greater disaster in India. There are different such places which could part and India will be segregated in that case.


Q.: The Prime minister will not be involved himself in SPP rather Army’s chief Prabhu Ram Sharma will sign the agreement through a conference held in Australia called the Indo-Pacific Chiefs of Defense Conference. Is it viable to sign the SPP by the Army chief of the country?

Ans.: It’s a matter of national sovereignty and it is not possible to sign the agreement against the government’s decision. If the Army chief signs the agreement, then in that case he must fight the case against the national rebellion.


Q.: Should the council of ministers write the letter or who should be responsible for this matter?

Ans.: The Council of Ministers has already decided not to approve the agreement.


Q.: Is there any difficulty for the prime minister to send the disapproval letter?

Ans.: There’s no difficulty for the cabinet to send the disapproval letter but seems like he is pressurized by the American side.


Q.: What pressure might be there on the Prime Minister?

Ans.: In my perception, the prime minister might be in a trap of money laundering.


Q.: Do MCC, SPP, and SOFA agreement are related to each other or not?

Ans.: Yes, they are related. All these agreements’ main motto is to bring American armies as soon as possible.


Q.: In this case, neighboring countries’ role impact or not?

Ans.: Yes, it does impact. As China has spoken against this agreement, if India does have spoken on this matter, America would have been pressurized. But India has stayed neutral on this matter.


Q.: What could be the reason behind India showing zero interest in this matter?

Ans.: It is because India is also in the trap of America. India doesn’t want to spoil its relationship with America.


Q.: Will America be able to approve the SPP agreement or not?

Ans.: Under five- alliance party, all the parties are against the SOPP agreement. Maoist, Socialists, and even Congress members are against the SPP agreement. In this manner, it seems difficult for such an agreement to be approved. But America is putting every effort to pass the agreement.


Q.: As MCC approved even after so much criticism, do you think SPP will be approved in the same manner?

Ans.: Along with party members, common people are also protesting the agreement. But because Nepali Congress is under America’s side, it does seem that somehow it will get approved.


Borna Bahadur Karki is a senior advocate and political analyst.




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