Relief supplies for disaster sufferers by India

Desk by Karuna

India has donated supplies to those in Nepal who have been impacted by floods and other natural disasters. 3,000 tents and 10 rubber boats were donated by India at a ceremony on Friday in Singha Durbar.

At a ceremony to provide relief supplies to the people impacted by the floods and natural disasters by the Indian people and the government of India, the Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Nabin Srivastava, handed over the supplies to Home Minister Bal Krishna Khand. Home Minister Khand thanked the Indian people and the Indian government for their assistance with the relief supplies at the handover ceremony. Home Minister Khand stated that Nepal is always prepared to strengthen the connection, adding that there is not just a government-to-government interaction between Nepal and India but also a people-to-people tie.

The Home Minister highlighted that Nepal has a high risk of several calamities and expressed confidence that the Government of India would continue to support Nepal in times of need in the days to come. At the time, Ambassador Srivastava pledged that throughout his term, he would work to strengthen ties between India and Nepal and that the two countries are friends in both pleasure and pain.

Ambassador Srivastava expressed gratitude for the aid given at the start of the monsoon and offered the confidence that the disaster victims will continue to receive support. He recalled that even during the disaster, India had offered support.

Source: Nepal Samaj


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