Demand to inform the House about the 10 points proposed by the United States

Demand to inform the House about the 10 points proposed by the United States

Kathmandu, June 14

Prem Suwal, a member of the Nepal Mazdur Kisan Party in the House of Representatives, has demanded that the House be informed about the ten points offered by the US lately.

He accused the biggest opposition party, the CPN-UML, of attempting to attract Americans to Nepal at a House of Representatives meeting on Tuesday.

”As a military front, we opposed the MCC deal,” he stated. My friends used to tell me how the American army would arrive at the moment. The administration is now on the approach of reaching a 10-point accord.

”The US Army will take the US Army barracks. The US will use Nepali light aircraft, military
exercises will be held in the northern area, and tax exemptions would be granted on products brought in by the US,” he added.

He stated that it was essential for the relevant ministries to provide the House with accurate information.


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