2.4 million doses of anti-covid vaccine?

2.4 million doses of anti-covid vaccine?

Kathmandu, June 12

Khagraj Adhikari, a CPN-UML MP, has requested that the government respond to the situation.

Adhikari, who is also a former health minister, demanded that the government to tell the House of Representatives that the vaccination against 2.4 million doses of covid was lost because of the government’s commission in a meeting on Sunday.

He said that while he was the health minister, he arranged for 139 free medicines ranging from HIV/AIDS to cancer, and advised the administration not to add to the confusion.

”Where did the 2.4 million vaccines go?” he wondered. We’ve raised the threshold. We’ve brought it up in committee. Is the enterprise losing money on that 24-lakh vaccine? Asked to the Speaker. You don’t require a response? Free medication was mentioned. When I was the minister of health, 72 new medicines were made available for free.

Officials are outraged that the government has decreased the health-care budget by more than 22% from the previous year.


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