Oli panicked and formed a coalition with the royalist party: Barshaman Pun

Oli panicked and formed a coalition with the royalist party: Barshaman Pun

Kathmandu, May 7

Barshaman Pun Ananta, the leader of the CPN-Maoist Center, has accused UML Chairman KP Oli of creating an electoral alliance with royalist party. In the local elections, Pun said Oli had formed a coalition with the royalist RPP and RPP-Nepal.

He blamed Oli of being a monarchist, anti-change, and predicted that the people would punish the UML through elections because it had twice dissolved the House of Representatives to overthrow the country’s constitution and institutionalize change.
“We are committed to protecting change,” Pun said during an electoral rally in Gangadev, Rolpa’s home district, on Friday. Local elections are being organized as a vote between forces supporting and undermining the constitution, as well as defending and undermining democratic rights and change agendas.

Leader Pun anticipated that the five-party ruling coalition’s nominee would win the election, and voiced confidence that the current system would be strengthened further by protecting the constitution and democracy despite losing thousands of martyrs. The five-party alliance was covered with a five-kg lid, according to UML President Oli, and he was one quintal.

Even though the public realized that Oli was weak in the end, Pun noted that they had the
opportunity to learn that Kamal Thapa, the Pariwar Dal, and the Congress had established an electoral coalition with Govinda Raj Joshi.

‘He (Oli) has established an alliance with the royalists after declaring that he will fight alone with the five parties. It has established an alliance with the family party, which no one hasheard of and which is not recognized by the constitution. Pun explained, “He was talking about quintals, and now he”s hunting for one gram and aiming to reach one kilogram.” He claimed that as the five-party alliance grew stronger, Oli had developed a defeatist mentality. People were talking outside and inside to fool the people, according to Oli.

We recognize that if you oppose unity on the outside, you are seeking unity, and that talking about unity is breaking it apart. Oli does not follow through on his promises. “We were the only ones who understood this yesterday,” he continued, “but today the general public has the opportunity to know.”



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