Finance Minister says stop crying for fluctuating revenue

Kathmandu, May 2

Finance Minister Janardhan Sharma has stated that the question of rising or declining revenue is creating stress. He stated that the government is attempting to maximize revenue while reducing the private sector to the greatest extent possible.

Finance Minister Sharma, speaking at a budget discussion event hosted by the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry on Monday, stated that the focus should be on production rather than weeping to raise or decrease income.

He stated that foreign investment is currently required in the country and that foreign
investment is increasing. In addition, he stated that foreign investment is expected in 3/4 of the projects.

Finance Minister Sharma stated that agricultural transformation is required due to the large
import of food products. He stated that unproductive land should not be protected and that the government would instead focus on production.

He stated that he had met with the Prime Minister to discuss how to fix the problem of power in industrial businesses. He stated that although the government is prepared to perform its duty, the private sector should concentrate on the manufacturing area.

He stated that the government is willing to collaborate with the private sector and that the
government is also willing to help with manufacturing if it becomes costly owing to high taxes.

The administration, according to Finance Minister Sharma, is committed to expanding local
output and developing the country.

He stated that free borders have both advantages and dangers and that extra care must be paid to avoid smuggling.


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