Around 5 billion products entered Nepal

Around 5 billion products entered Nepal

By Karuna Thapa

Kathmandu, April 25

Five billion products entered Nepal from Ukraine in the two months following the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Nepal has bought various items worth Rs 5 billion from Ukraine in the two months since the
war between Russia and Ukraine began. According to the customs authorities, similar
commodities from Ukraine landed in Nepal in March and April of this year.

In March and April, products worth Rs 4.83 billion and 2.19 million entered Nepal from Ukraine, according to the department. The war between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, and continues to this day. Nepal’s imports from Ukraine were likely to be stopped due to the conflict. However, products continue to flow into Nepal from Ukraine.

Crude soybean and sunflower oil worth Rs 3.92 billion entered Nepal from Ukraine in the two months after the war began. Nepal imported crude soybean and sunflower oil worth Rs
941.862 million in April and Rs 2.982 billion in March, according to the department.

Nepal purchased items worth Rs. 19.25 billion from Ukraine during the first nine months of
Fiscal Year 2078/79 (August to March). During the same period, products worth Rs 19.29 million were exported from Nepal to Ukraine, according to the department.

Nepal’s trade deficit with Ukraine was Rs. 19.25 billion in the first nine months of the current fiscal year.


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