Former Party chief of E.China’s Hangzhou to be prosecuted for corruption

Former Party chief of E.China’s Hangzhou to be prosecuted for corruption

Zhou Jiangyong, a former Party chief of Hangzhou in East China’s Zhejiang Province, will be prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of Chuzhou in East China’s Anhui Province after an investigation by the National Supervisory Commission was concluded, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) announced on Monday.

Zhou was accused and prosecuted for taking advantage of his position to seek illegitimate benefits for others and illegally accepting bribes, and was investigated for criminal responsibility for taking bribes in accordance with the law due to the huge amount of bribery, prosecutors said in a statement.

Zhou was put under both disciplinary and supervisory investigations by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and the National Supervisory Commission in August 2021, and was expelled from the Party and public office for violating the law and disciplines in January 2022, China’s top anti-graft agency said in a statement.

The CCDI said the former official ignored the spirit of the central government, colluded with the capital and supported disorderly expansion of capital. He also violated the rules by interfering in the market economy and engaging in corruptive activities with his family members.

According to prosecutors, Zhou’s huge amount of bribery dates back to his time as deputy head of Yinxian County in Ningbo in Zhejiang Province from 2001 to 2002.

An anti-graft TV series produced by China’s discipline inspection authorities also revealed the details of Zhou’s case. As Zhejiang is a dynamic place for the market economy, some local officials used relatives to engage in commerce, and Zhou used his power to benefit the business of his brother, Zhou Jianyong.

The documentary also revealed that Zhou Jianyong was keen to make friends with people running different enterprises while touting Zhou Jiangyong’s power and position in the process. Some companies then bought stakes in Zhou Jianyong’s company at apparently unreasonably high prices in exchange for Zhou Jiangyong’s help in securing cheap land and preferential policies.

Besides, a Chinese media known for its political coverage noted that it is the first time that the statement Zhou Jiangyong is accused of “colluded with the capital and supported capital expanding disorderly” has appeared in the disciplinary notice of the central government officials, and it is also rare for the statement, “the selection and appointment of officials in violation of regulations at the request of private business owners,” to be used.

Zhou seriously violated the Party’s political disciplines and his actions, including taking bribes, constituted a serious duty violation, which has to be dealt with seriously, the CCDI said.

Zhou Jiangyong’s case was recently prosecuted by the People’s Procuratorate of Chuzhou at the Chuzhou Intermediate People’s Court after Zhou was expelled from the Party and from public office.

Zhou Jiangyong, Party chief of Hangzhou in East China’s Zhejiang Province Photo: cnsphoto


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